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Jacques Pelletier's crew of L'Ange de Milon collect their keepsake

RORC_JMitchell_JM5_8943.jpg Shahid Hamid's crew of OMII collect their keepsakeThumbnailsRORC JMitchell JM5 8937Shahid Hamid's crew of OMII collect their keepsakeThumbnailsRORC JMitchell JM5 8937Shahid Hamid's crew of OMII collect their keepsakeThumbnailsRORC JMitchell JM5 8937Shahid Hamid's crew of OMII collect their keepsakeThumbnailsRORC JMitchell JM5 8937Shahid Hamid's crew of OMII collect their keepsakeThumbnailsRORC JMitchell JM5 8937

RORC JMitchell JM5 8943