start-2-ka.jpg Guns firing at the RYS startline of the Rolex Fastnet RaceThumbnailsEach start has a 10 minute sequence with flags raised and sound signals to note the countdown to the fleetGuns firing at the RYS startline of the Rolex Fastnet RaceThumbnailsEach start has a 10 minute sequence with flags raised and sound signals to note the countdown to the fleetGuns firing at the RYS startline of the Rolex Fastnet RaceThumbnailsEach start has a 10 minute sequence with flags raised and sound signals to note the countdown to the fleetGuns firing at the RYS startline of the Rolex Fastnet RaceThumbnailsEach start has a 10 minute sequence with flags raised and sound signals to note the countdown to the fleet

Photo: Rolex/Kurt Arrigo. FSNT15ka_0121. For the high res photo please contact KPMS - http://www.regattanews.com/