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Tom Kneen's JPK 11.80 Sunrise prepares for the race

Caribbean 600-Sunrise-162 copy.jpg Ambersail II, VO65 sailed by Saulius Pajarskas for JSC GAMINTASThumbnailsGroovederci Racing-Sailing proceed to the startAmbersail II, VO65 sailed by Saulius Pajarskas for JSC GAMINTASThumbnailsGroovederci Racing-Sailing proceed to the startAmbersail II, VO65 sailed by Saulius Pajarskas for JSC GAMINTASThumbnailsGroovederci Racing-Sailing proceed to the startAmbersail II, VO65 sailed by Saulius Pajarskas for JSC GAMINTASThumbnailsGroovederci Racing-Sailing proceed to the startAmbersail II, VO65 sailed by Saulius Pajarskas for JSC GAMINTASThumbnailsGroovederci Racing-Sailing proceed to the start

Caribbean 600-Sunrise-162