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Petra Roach, CEO of Grenada Tourism Authority presents Canada Ocean Racing with a gift basket

RORC Transatlantic 2023 - Jan 18th - IMA Presentation I love Poland - High Res-25.jpg ThumbnailsCo-skippers Scott Shawyer & Alan Roberts on board Canada Ocean Racing ThumbnailsCo-skippers Scott Shawyer & Alan Roberts on board Canada Ocean Racing ThumbnailsCo-skippers Scott Shawyer & Alan Roberts on board Canada Ocean Racing ThumbnailsCo-skippers Scott Shawyer & Alan Roberts on board Canada Ocean Racing ThumbnailsCo-skippers Scott Shawyer & Alan Roberts on board Canada Ocean Racing

RORC Transatlantic 2023 - Jan 18th - IMA Presentation I love Poland - High Res-25.jpg

RORC Racing Manager, Steve Cole welcomed special guests to the presentation at Camper & Nicholsons Port Louis Marina, including Honorary Consul of Poland in Grenada, Andrew Bierzynski, and Petra Roach, Chief Executive Officer of the Grenada Tourism Authority (GTA). Crews from Canada Ocean Racing, Teasing Machine and Jasi received gift baskets from the GTA before the entire I Love Poland crew received a standing ovation as the trophy was presented.